Facebook advertising is a great digital marketing strategy in Cambodia to reach your target market. This blog post will show you how to make your Facebook ads more effective by adding text to the image. This is a quick and easy way to get more attention from an audience of potential customers, without having to launch any new campaigns. The following are some tips on what you should include when including text in your ad images:

  1. Keep it short
  2. keep it relevant
  3. use action words
  4. And always focus on the benefit.

Base on facebook research and analyzing feedback from their community found that images with less than 20% text perform better. So to run your ad effectively, you should think about the keyword that may interest your target audience.

*Now Facebook has changed the policy. They don’t limit the text in ad images anymore. However, it still important because the user cannot read 100 words at a time they scroll on their timeline. So on the image, we should put only the very important keyword that gets an audience’s attention.